Discover The Missing Key To Being Unstoppable

The Breakthrough Accelerator

This 6 week program will heal and awaken your greatness.  Experience what it is like to finally remove those stubborn blocks that lead to personal struggle, failed dreams, and feeling stuck.

Start allowing prosperity, abundance, and vitality to come into your life. 

Next 6 Week Program Begins In

Imagine if you
could experience more joy and abundance in your life?

The Breakthrough Accelerator will teach you how to not only remove negative blocks and counter intentions, but elevate your consciousness to a higher level.

Struggling to remove those stubborn mental and emotional blocks that prevent you from manifesting more abundance and prosperity into your life?  Watch this.

tell me,
is this you?

  • 1 Struggling to attract the financial prosperity

    and abundance to live your ideal lifestyle let
    alone simply making ends meet.

  • 2 Relationships that feel strained, no matter

    how much you give.
  • 3 Find yourself paying for coaching programs,

    but not not experiencing the same results

    as your peers.
  • 4 You’re tired of being passed

    year after year for that promotion despite

    how hard you've been working.
  • 5 You struggle with staying consistent
    different areas of your life,
    but you have no idea
    how to break the cycle.
  • 6 You find it almost impossible to

    save money and build wealth, no matter
    hard you try.

imagine if...

  • You discovered clearing techniques
    that not only removed
    negative blocks
    and counter intentions, but also raised your consciousness.

  • Learned techniques that allow you to remove limiting beliefs and patterns, even if they have been repeating for years.

  • You could easily reprogram yourself with beliefs that attract more abundance, joy, and prosperity into your life.

  • Start creating the life you've always wanted,
    filled with
    abundance, health, and happy relationships.

  • You could feel empowered everyday
    knowing that you have the
    tools to remove limiting beliefs and blocks
    in just minutes
    simply by following a 4 step process.

The Breakthrough Accelerator


who this program is for:

For coaches who are ready to elevate their coaching practice, overcome self doubt, and lead their clients to breakthrough after breakthrough.
For healers who are interested in clearing away the most stubborn blocks and counter-intentions that prevent abundance from manifesting.
For visionary leaders who are ready to expand their influence, feel more empowered, and lead their organizations toward greater success and fulfilment.
what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying

Today, I not only navigate financial matters
with ease but I have also shattered my own
earning records, embodying a belief in my
unlimited potential.

Before my sessions with Edmund, the thought money, especially the aspect of asking for it, was a source of huge anxiety for me.  My mindset was rooted in scarcity, which had an impact on me personally and professionally.  However, Edmund's coaching marked the beginning of an incredible transformation.

Edmund created a safe and supportive container, allowing me to explore and address my emotions with ease.  This process was not only about confronting my fears but also about understanding and reshaping my relationship with money from a perspective of gaining clarity on how deep rooted the stories were.  This journey with Edmund has been both empowering and liberating.  An investment that will be one of the most rewarding decisions of my life.

Leadership Coaching

Edmund will help you see how your mind actually
makes things real in your body, and that the body
and the mind work together to make your life
whatever you want.

I have seen a remarkable reduction in my neck pains, sometimes even feeling no pain at all.  Not only that, I have developed a better understanding of how life's traumas from our past can affect our present situations and outcomes.  Essentially, I have a new perspective on life I didn't have before, which has not only helped to reduce my aches and pains, but also helped me gain a much clearer understanding and overall unwinding of emotional blockages I wasn't aware of before.  Edmund will help you see how your mind actually makes things real in your body, and that the body and the mind work together to make your life whatever you want.


My sessions with Edmund were life-changing.
I am calmer in any given situation and full of

I have more focus now and control over many things that I thought I had no control over in my life.

Through my sessions with Edmund, I started healing my emotions and started to remove the pain from my past experience that was stopping me from being the best version of myself and achieving happiness in life.

Real Estate Agent

whats inside
the program

  • 3 jam packed modules designed to help you heal
    and awaken
    to your greatness using the Quantum Leap Breakthrough Method.
  • 10+ Hours of LIVE Interactive Group Training
  • Access to the private Breakthrough Accelerator Tribe. Connect

    with other like minded individuals and receive support on your healing journey.
  • Access to 1 LIVE Somatic Breathwork Ceremony (120 min) to set your
    intention, remove self imposed limitations, and elevate your healing to the next level.

  • Unlimited access to our exclusive library
    of guided meditations
    and other bonus materials!
take a peek inside
the modules

module one - foundations

You'll get started by building a rock solid foundation.  We will start by identifying your goals, your current belief systems, and your values that drive your behavior.  We will hone in on your belief systems and why you do what you do.

module two - alignment

We will start to unravel your model of your world.  Anything that is out of alignment with your goals, belief systems, and values will be examined.  This is the end of the 'old you' and the beginning of the 'new you'.


module three - integration

By this stage, you will be more aligned with your true self.  You will learn to connect with your high self or that "inner voice" within you that knows all.  This is where you begin to "awaken" your abilities.

hey there

I'm Edmund

I help people unlock their true potential, heal from within, and live a meaningful life.

Years ago, I found myself running a stressful 7 figure business.  My health was deteriorating.  I hated my life.  And I felt disconnected from my purpose.  M was sick and tired of life.

After a lot of pain, suffering, and soul searching, I realized that I needed to change.  I no longer wanted to live life like this anymore.

And so for the next few years, I searched for the solution.  I tried everything imaginable from changing my diet, to detox, to taking plant medicines, seeing different healers, and praying that I would find a way out.

Shortly within a few years, I cracked the code.  I turned my situation around.  I healed my body.  I healed my mind.  And I healed the work environment I was in.  And soon after, I exited that 7 figure business and found a new calling.

Which brings me to today.  Today, I'm passionate about empowering others to live their best lives, free from pain, doubt, or worry.  What drives me is the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

And that is why I created this program.  To help others step into their power so they can help more people transform their lives.

I'm honored to be a part of your journey.  I can't wait to support you on your path to healing and transformaton.

Is the Breakthrough Accelerator
right for me?


You're a heart centered individual who is ready to make significant shifts in your life.

You're committed to creating a Breakthrough in your business, health or relationships.

You're open to exploring new methods and techniques to achieve your goals.

You're seeking personalized guidance and support to break through limiting beliefs.

You're tired of playing small.  You're committed to making this your best year.


You're not willing to commit to the process of personal transformation.

You're looking for a quick fix or overnight success without putting in the necessary work.

You're resistant to trying new approaches or stepping out of your comfort zone.

You're not open to receiving feedback or guidance from a mentor or coach.

You're currently dealing with significant life challenges that require professional therapy or medical attention.

what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying

Edmund's guidance was not only
enlightening but also empowering.

I felt a profound sense of trust in his expertise, knowing that he was skillfully navigating me towards a successful outcome. 

His ability to ask thought-provoking questions and provide meaningful insights created a roadmap for personal growth that I had not imagined possible.


Within 2 weeks of working together,
I noticed a dramatic shift in my life.

I instantly became more calm and collected.  My nervous system was no longer jumpy.  I had this subtle sense of being internally settled, quieted, and centered.

I was connecting with my clients on a deeper level than before. 

Structural Integration Bodyworker

It allowed me to embrace my
divine beauty, worthiness,
and strength.

It was really really deep and powerful work on so many levels.  There were some heavy emotions around grief and shame.  I felt a lot of  this heavy density was being cleared.

I really am so grateful for Edmund and his space holding and his presence.

Informed Trauma Coach, Musician

The Breakthrough Accelerator




  • 6 week Breakthrough Accelerator.  Jam packed with my best stuff to deliver you results.
  • Weekly cutting edge techniques to accelerate your healing.
  • 3 Modules designed to help you heal & awaken to your greatness.
  • Access to the private Breakthrough Accelerator Tribe.  Connect with other like minded individuals and create lifelong friendships.
  • VIP Bonus 1: Access to 1 LIVE Somatic Breathwork Ceremony to uncover undigested emotions in the physical body (120 min).
  • VIP Bonus 2: 1 Follow-Up Success Call (45 Min) to Recalibrate & Integrate Your Learnings
  • VIP Bonus 3: Edmund's Signature 8 Hour 1:1 Money Alignment Breakthrough Session to ensure you are 100% aligned at all levels of your subconscious so you can create results quicker. ($3000 Value)
  • VIP Bonus 4: Unlimited access to our exclusive content library of guided meditations and other bonus materials.



  • 6 week Breakthrough Accelerator.  Jam packed with my best stuff to deliver you results.
  • Weekly cutting edge techniques to accelerate your healing.
  • 3 Modules designed to help you heal & awaken to your greatness.
  • Access to the private Breakthrough Accelerator Tribe.  Connect with other like minded individuals and create lifelong friendships.
  • VIP Bonus 1: Access to 1 LIVE Somatic Breathwork Ceremony to uncover undigested emotions in the physical body (120 min).
  • VIP Bonus 2: 1 Follow-Up Success Call (45 Min) to Recalibrate & Integrate Your Learnings
  • VIP Bonus 3: Edmund's Signature 8 Hour 1:1 Money Alignment Breakthrough Session to ensure you are 100% aligned at all levels of your subconscious so you can create results quicker. ($3000 Value)
  • VIP Bonus 4: Unlimited access to our exclusive content library of guided meditations and other bonus materials.

finally unlock your
full potential

I'm blessed and I'm honored to embark on this journey with you together.  Together, we're going to remove those stubborn mental and emotional blocks that prevent you from manifesting more abundance and prosperity into your life.

It's your time to shine!  I look forward to seeing you on the inside!


What will we be doing during this program?

What if I've been doing inner work for a long time? Is this for me?

Will I have to do this alone?

Are my results guaranteed?

Are there payment plans?